Debriefing Session of Study Abroad Program 2020 took place




<2020年度派遣留学成果報告会 受賞者>

自然科学研究科物質化学専攻博士後期課程1年 中窪 圭佑

人間社会学域国際学類4年 宮川 茉佑子
人間社会学域国際学類4年 有江 晴花
人間社会学域国際学類4年 山田 愛結

人間社会学域国際学類4年 伏谷 亮太朗



From 18 January to 22 January, a debriefing session of study abroad experience was held online. This session gave 69 students who studied at Kanazawa University’s partner universities the opportunity to report on their experiences abroad. About 200 people including students and staff participated in the session and had good chances to know their study abroad experiences through each presentation.

On February 15, the Awards Ceremony for the presentation of this session took place. 5 students below were selected as the best presenters and President Koetsu Yamazaki gave the congratulatory address to them.

<Best presenters of the presentation debriefing Session of the Study Abroad Program 2020>

1st place: Beijing Normal University (China)
Keisuke NAKAKUBO, Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology

2nd place: University of Malaya (Malaysia)
Haruka ARIE, School of International Studies
Mayuko MIYAGAWA, School of International Studies
Ayu YAMADA, School of International Studies

3rd place: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
Ryotaro FUSHITANI, School of International Studies

  • 表彰状を授与される学生
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