Japanese students and KU-SGU

Growing into global human resources who can thrive in global society under the KU brand,
through self-improvement as individuals and as specialists.

【 overview 】

KUGS curriculum

Kanazawa University “Global” Standard (KUGS) coming soon…
GS courses
  • Standard GS courses
    • Students must chose 15 units from 30 standard GS courses, adopting an active learning approach.
  • GS language courses
    • Students must take eight units of GS language courses.
  • College GS courses
  • Graduate school GS courses
Human enrichment programs
  • Human enrichment programs etc.
    • Hands-on program extending beyond community boundaries
      Improving human power, encouraging intercultural understanding, contributing to the community, fostering cooperation through experiencing everyday life off campus and interacting with local residents
      ?interacting with local residents
      ?Lodging together at Gokayama
  • Short-term overseas dispatch programs etc.
    • ?Studying abroad at schools that have concluded exchange agreements with KU
      ?Short-term language study
      ?Summer programs
Quarter system Developing an environment that makes it easy to study abroad, through means including concentration on English language learning in the first quarter of the first year

Enhancing English abilities

Tufts University English Language Programs (ELP) Kanazawa Satellite Center English-language enhancement programs conducted by Tufts University ELP instructors.
Using Tufts ELP to improve students’ English abilities in preparation for studying abroad.

  • English training for students
Courses for external English exams coming soon…

Organizations, facilities

Study Abroad/International Office coming soon…
International exchange room coming soon…
Sakigake lodging for domestic and international students coming soon…

Other support

Collaborative professors Professors overseas providing support for Kanazawa University through use of alumni networks and other resources. Reliable assistance overseas.
Central exchange facilities overseas Liaison offices are opened in central exchange facilities that concentrate on student exchange.


New Scientific Creation Research Organization coming soon…
Global leader training study abroad scholarship fund Provides support to graduate students for long-term research and study abroad at world-leading universities.

Reforms to entrance exam system

Standard exam for all colleges Developing an environment in which students can take their time and choose the specialized areas they want to study.
International baccalaureate exams coming soon…
Use of external exams coming soon…
Special entrance exams coming soon…
Super Samurai Student System coming soon…